Saturday, April 24, 2010

Rizopia vs Tinkyada Gluten Free Pasta


I have been eating gluten free pasta for about a year and its pretty good. I can't complain, but I must say that you can taste the difference a bit. Well, actually it depends on you and your taste buds.

I am putting Rizopia brand to test versus Tinkyada Pasta.

Rizopia isn't so easy to find in supermarkets at least not in Toronto, versus Tinkyada Pasta.

Rizopia Pasta ( Gluten and Wheat Free)

Rizopia is easy to cook. Easy to follow instructions. Note: Just make sure that you don't leave it in for to long , it will stick. What I didn't enjoy was that once you placed in the fridge it becomes rock hard. When reheating the pasta it becomes super soft. Microwave it 45 seconds or less!

Taste is good, nice texture, easy to digest and light. Not as heavy as regular pasta.  2/2

Rizopia: 4/5 reason being its hard to find in supermarkets and it can get pretty frustrating to find it.

One store that sells it for affordable price is: Essence of life in Kensington Market in Toronto! (Right next to Chinatown).


Tinkyada isn't as easy to cook. It takes a bit longer about 20 min. Which is a long time for pasta.
I followed the instructions. I would suggest to leave it in longer than the packaged recommends.
The good thing about this pasta is it does not stick after place fridge and once reheated it doesn't get super sticky!

Taste is okay, not very pasta like. The texture is cardboard like and not very consistent. Not easy to digest and heavy on the stomach.

Tinkyada: 3/5

Rizopia is my take. Try it and get back to me.


Hello, I am back!

Its been a while since I wrote any messages on my blog. I have been busy with work and thesis. Good news, I am done with thesis.
I will continue to write.. more frequently. I promise. I will write more about products, exercise routines and recipes, books and more. Moi.

Oh, I signed up for twitter two weeks 

Have a good day.

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Spinach Pie Recipe...mmmh Spinach

Mmmmhhh Spinach Pie,

Spinach is really good for , it is very good source of iron. I decided to share this recipe with you because I love spinach in the form of pie, side dish, salad you name it.

Step 1: Set your oven 375 degree's

Step 2: Take fresh or frozen spinach and cook for 3 to 5 minutes in medium heat with 1/4 onions and 2 cloves

Then drain the spinach of remain watering, pat it dry

Step 3: In separate blow mix 

1 Cup Ricotta cheese
1 Cup Shredded Parmesan Cheese ( I choose a blend Swiss, Parmesan and other)
1/4 tsp each Cumin & Pepper
1/2 tsp Salt
2 Eggs ( I recommend one large - it takes almost 1 1/2 hr to bake if spinach mixture is to liquid)

Mix all of it together with hand mixer or by hand.

Now Blend in the Spinach into the cheese mixture and blend it well.

Step 4 : Get a 10 inch dip dish baking pan - place in your crust ( I choose to use the pizza dough which I rolled out - super thin)

Grease your plan with light butter and flour - place the crust into the plan

Step 5: Spread spinach mixture into crust and even it out with flat edge - i.e. spatular

Garnish with fresh tomatoes and turn the crust edges in !

Place in the oven for 1 hour
Set aside for 15 minutes to cool down!

Volia !!!



Whole Wheat Pizza Recipe


I made a whole wheat pizza two weeks ago, mmmhhh, I must say it was good.
I purchased pre-made pizza dough - whole wheat at my local bakery.

Whole Wheat Pizza Recipe :

Step 1: Set oven 400 degree's

Step 2:
Tomato Sauce:

1 Can of Tomatoes
1 tsp Tomatoes paste
2 Tsp Olive Oil
1 Tomato
1/2 Onion
2 Garlic gloves
1 Tsp Honey
1 tsp of each Parsley, Oregano, Basil
1 Tsp grated cheese of choice
Salt & Pepper for Taste

Place all the ingredients in the blender, for 3-5 minutes or until mixed well

Cook for 10 to 15 minutes and extra tomato paste if necessary for thickness, taste and color.
Set aside to cool.

While cooking the sauce, CHICKEN BREAST.

1. Wash with water and remove excess fat
2. Cut chicken breast into small pieces
3. Heat a pan medium heat add a small amount of olive oil
4. Place chicken in the hot pan + add salt and pepper
5. Cook till chicken is cooked and slightly brown
6. Set aside to cool

Toppings for the Pizza

Broccoli, Red Peppers, Onions, grated swiss cheese and cooked chicken. Add your tomato sauce on the rolled out dough and all your favorite vegetables and toppings. I added lots of vegetable for color and taste reason.

Place in the oven for 20 to 30 minutes. Let it cool! And voila!



Mustard Seed Dressing Recipe


I discovered this new recipe a few weeks ago. I have enjoyed it so much that I would like to share it with you. Part of my diet requires me to eat 60 to 70 % more vegetable everyday (gross), but one of the things I have had problems with is finding the right salad dressing. The dressing makes a big difference when it comes to enjoy your meal.

Everyday I eat bowl of salad with Mustard seed dressing...mmmmhh


2 Tsp White Balsamic Vinegar 
2 Tsp Olive Oil
1 tsp Honey
1/4 tsp Mustard Seed 
Salt & Pepper for taste

Mix all together, you can use right away or place in the refrigerate overnight.

PS. Low in calories

Volia!  It tastes delicious



Friday, February 26, 2010

Yeah right! Pass it on - Jamie's Ministry of Food

Hello hello,

I was watching Jamie Oliver two weeks ago. And, I wondered why his idea was not working.
Jamie Oliver Food Ministry is about converting a town in England to pass on healthy recipes
and eating healthy. Which, in turn should continue throughout the United Kingdom. It is a very ambitions mission to take on. The key to this show is to have people eat proper food and learn that cooking is easy. Many people resisted the idea and the concept of eating healthy, one of the perceptions amongst participates was that healthy food is boring, dull and has no taste. Secondly, changing for them was a hassle and the lack of motivation makes it hard for them to share recipes. Why?

One of the things I faced years ago was that I didn't like the idea of diet.
Secondly, learn new things about food( My mindset).
Thirdly, making adjustment and transitioning from one to the other.
And yes its hard and I won't disagree.

 Why is it hard to share recipes with friends and family? I find that sometimes it's just not worth talking about it to co-workers, friends or family. The lack of enthusiasm and purpose while the conversation is taking place is a turn off for me. Several of my friends want to diet but do not realize that time, effort and commitment is involved, in making the change.

Back to the topic, Jamie however was able to convince several people to continue the course teach people and get them to pass it on. Success isn't near for Food Ministry program, it has a long way to go. The pass it on trend, needs to address the mentality people have about food and it's consumption.

Anyone, food!



Thursday, January 21, 2010

Weigh In + 1 - My Journey Part 3


So I had my weigh in on Sunday Jan 17 on nice cold afternoon, and to my surprise I gained a 1 pound.

Current weight: 148lbs goal is 125lbs - I got 23 lbs to get off! Yikes!! 

 The reason why; is because I have not been working out for several weeks. However, I am grabbing myself by the hair and slinging myself back to Gym. You will see results, I will post pictures (eventually).

In my session we talked about my diet and how its going. Also, I find my session with him very therapeutic, and it releases some of the stress and, things I have been struggling with. Challenges that I have been facing:

- Is avoiding cookies (my demise) 
- Snacking for the sake of snacking
-More discpline
- And forgetting that its a lifestyle change not a diet (For all that are planning weight loss or are in that right now. Sometimes you can't help but feel like that...but just do not give up think about all the benefits)

Things I have overcome:

- Being able to decline offers of food from co-workers, friends and social situations - junk food, and not clean food
- When out for dinner to modify orders and be careful of intake
- Strong Discipline when grocery shopping ( I am not tempted at all)
- Following the plan by 70 % and over
- Eating more vegetables than I ever have in my entire adult life ( I eat about 5-8 servings a day)

I will start my gym regime back on Monday, kicking butt.However one of my goals is attaining a better diet and habits. I have learned to eat healthier and make better choices with the help of my nutritionist.
If I look back six months ago when I was losing weight and not eating healthy. I have accomplished part of my goal. Although I have not lost that weight yet, I know that I will get there..soon!!

I am half way there, and I am deciding to move forward with this journey. My next step is to stay consistent with my new eating habits and continue to work out again.

He recommended  3 to 5 hours a week for exercise. Which I can do!  That includes sport, gym and other activities (Not TV or seating around).

I will rock on.




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